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The year 2000 marked a turning point for the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine (JUM). After more than 2 decades of service as the AIUM's editor-in-chief, George Leopold, MD, retired, and Beryl Benacerraf, MD, was selected as the JUM's new editor-in-chief.

Under Lawrence Platt, MD's presidency, in an effort to heighten public awareness about the importance of ultrasound, the AIUM began sponsorship of an annual Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month (MUAM) in October. By 2004, as MUAM increased in popularity, 5 sister societies had joined the campaign.

In addition to the ultrasound awareness campaign, increased collaboration with related societies (American College of Radiology and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) led to the creation of joint clinical ultrasound practice guidelines.

In 2000, the AIUM launched a continuing education course series to meet the needs of ultrasound professionals. These 2- or 3-day courses were designed to provide participants with the opportunity to learn the latest, most up-to-date information about a specific ultrasound application.

In 2001, the JUM submission process took a major leap forward with the implementation of an online manuscript submission and review system. This technological advancement was soon followed by an online version of the JUM, which debuted in January 2002.
One constant beacon of continued excellence in ultrasound has been the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

Alfred B. Kurtz, MD

The AIUM continues to take advantage of computer technology to provide members with more online resources, including CME tests, a merchandise store, a job board, a buyers guide, a searchable journal, abstract submission, and much more.
In the past year, the AIUM has hosted forums on 3D ultrasound, thermal and nonthermal bioeffects from sonography, and compact ultrasound systems to develop consensus on these important issues.

To date, the number of sites accredited by the AIUM's Ultrasound Practice Accreditation Council throughout the United States and Canada is more than 1500.
The AIUM has been involved in many diverse activities related to the growth and development of diagnostic medical ultrasound. This involvement will continue to grow over the next 50 years as ultrasound technology improves and its uses become more diversified.
A unique mix of specialties brought together by a common interest in ultrasound provides stimulating enrichment for all ultrasound professionals.

Lewis Nelson, III, MD, RDMS

George Leopold, MD, accepting a framed token of the AIUM's appreciation for his 22 years of service as editor of the AIUM's journal.

Comparison of old (left) and new (right) color Doppler images showing a pseudoaneurysm.

Ultrasound images of the liver show before (left) and after (right) use of an ultrasound contrast agent that results in the detection of a liver mass.

3D fetal ultrasound image.