Partner with the AIUM

The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) is a multidisciplinary association dedicated to advancing the safe and effective use of ultrasound in medicine through professional and public education, research, development of guidelines, and accreditation. 

Is your company interested in learning about advertising and collaborative opportunities with the AIUM? With more than 10,000 medical ultrasound professionals and other healthcare providers, the AIUM audience is the eyes and ears you’re looking for to promote your latest company updates and technologies.

Contact us by filling out this form to schedule a meeting, emailing or calling 240-295-1764 for information on advertising, sponsoring, and exhibiting.

All forms of advertising must adhere to AIUM’s Advertising Policy.


Upcoming Partnership Opportunities

Partner on The 2025 AIUM Annual Convention

This event will take place in Orlando, Florida in 2025. Explore a variety of sponsorship, exhibit, and branding opportunities customized to align with your organization's objectives. From prominent booth placements to exclusive speaking engagements, we offer choices that perfectly match your goals.

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Partner on the Advanced OB Course

This event will take place in Orlando, Florida in February 2025. As an exhibitor at this event, you'll have the opportunity to connect with a diverse audience of potential clients, partners, and collaborators. Our exhibit floor attracts a wide range of industries, providing you with a unique platform to showcase your solutions to a captive audience.

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Headquarters AIUM
Partner on a Course

The AIUM Education Center is a brand new, unique facility that was built with learning and ultrasound in mind. Showcase your product, partner on a course, or rent HQ!

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Webinar Series
Sponsor A Webinar Series

We're always looking for ways to bring new, innovative topics to our membership. Connect with us to learn more about sponsoring a webinar, a series, or a lecture!

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Get in Touch with The Partnership Team

Request a look at all of our collaborative opportunities throughout the year from our Partnership Team. From event exhibiting to branding to speaking opportunities, the AIUM has you covered.

Get In Touch