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Fellow Nomination Process

AIUM fellow membership is a way to recognize individuals who have contributed significantly to the field of ultrasound. As stated in the AIUM Constitution and Bylaws, the number of fellows shall not exceed one-twentieth of the total number of the voting membership. Fellow members pay the same amount of dues as general members and receive the same benefits.

Qualifications for Physicians, Sonographers/Technologists, Scientists, Veterinarians

  1. Five or more years in medical, scientific, or engineering work related medical ultrasound
  2. Five or more consecutive years of AIUM membership at the time of nomination
  3. Active AIUM service (This may include committee, community, task force or board service, event attendance, speaking, writing, reviewing, webinar participation, case submission, or membership recruitment)
  4. Two letters of support from AIUM Fellows or AIUM leaders (current members of the Board of Governors) stating the exemplary contributions of the applicant
  5. Three or more of the following*:
  • Publication. Articles/publications will be evaluated on their significance to the ultrasound literature.
  • For physicians and basic scientists: A total of 10 articles/publications related to medical ultrasound. It is preferred that articles be from peer-reviewed journals, including a minimum of five in which the applicant is first author.
  • For sonographers: A total of 10 articles/publications related to medical ultrasound. It is preferred that articles be published in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Exemplary contribution to the clinical application of ultrasound.
  • Exemplary educational/teaching accomplishments.
  • Exemplary community or organizational service.

* In unusual or extenuating circumstances, an individual with an exemplary contribution in one or two areas may be deemed acceptable.

Qualifications for Ultrasound Industry Professionals

  1. 10 or more years in the medical ultrasound industry
  2. Five or more consecutive years of AIUM membership at the time of nomination
  3. Active AIUM service (This may include committee, community, task force or board service, event attendance, speaking, writing, reviewing, webinar participation, case submission, or membership recruitment)
  4. Two letters of support from AIUM Fellows or AIUM leaders (current members of the Board of Governors) stating the exemplary contributions of the applicant
  5. Outstanding contributions in 2 or more of the following*:
  • Exemplary contribution to the development or clinical application of ultrasound.
  • Exemplary educational/teaching accomplishments.
  • Exemplary community or organizational service.

* In unusual or extenuating circumstances, an individual with an exemplary contribution in one area may be deemed acceptable.

Nomination Process

On the basis of the criteria listed above, individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by an existing AIUM Fellow. Nominations are requested from Fellows in the spring of each year. Once a nomination is made on behalf of an individual, the nominee is notified by the AIUM office, who will also share the criteria. All nominees will then be asked to complete and submit an application form along with his or her CV (usually by the end of August) for review by the Fellow subcommittee. Recommendations are made to the Board of Governors in the fall of each year. Nominees are notified of their status by the end of the calendar year.